
OWNR - Jetzt kannst du Eigentum.

2022-2023 | Hamburg | WynkenBlynken&Nod | In the hysterical real estate market, OWNR (pronounced owner) has a small revolution on offer: Prospective buyers can move into a property for sale and, after a trial period, decide to become owners themselves. OWNR wanted to tell everyone about it and increase registrations on the website.
OWNR is not just a brand name, it's a promise - condensed in the new campaign claim "Now you can own." To get the completely unknown brand into people's heads, we went for volume and local relevance. Every line speaks from the soul of frustrated real estate seekers.
A 550% increase in registrations during the campaign period, a sustained 200% increase even after the campaign ended, an increase in leads from 50% to 80%, and a significant qualitative improvement in contacts.
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