Invincible Reporters


2017-2018 | Düsseldorf | Havas Germany | The free press is under attack worldwide. Since 2016, over 100 journalists have been murdered and with every death, one more story about the truth is left unfinished. We don’t let the work of murdered journalists be forgotten by letting devoted journalists worldwide continue their stories. The idea attracted interest among society and partners, who offered us free help and free media. More than 20 journalists and the companion of David Gilkey contributed, too – creating huge awareness to help the cause. CLIENTS: BBC World News | Berliner Zeitung | CPJ  (help by NPR)
David Gilkey`s last moments. As this film is based on true events, we had to stick to facts. We used slow-motion animation to stress Gilkey’s subtle facial expression and to capture this moment of realization that his world and life has turned upside down – both literally and figuratively speaking. The voice is David Gilkeys original. What he sais is the perfect call to action for this campaign and his story a gruesome reminder why we should care.

Hand crafting a TVC

All elements were hand-crafted. It was important to us, to apply a newspaper texture onto the models and the stage we prepared, as we are dealing with reporters and the newspaper is the main medium of journalism.

Later, all elements implemented into a 3D-environment. For this we used the technique of photogrammetry to not lose any detail of the crafted elements. We took many photos; these images were then fed into a computer in order to replicate all models in 3D based. Even the fire was built by wrinkling up newspaper – indicating it was his journalistic work, which eventually 
got him killed.
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